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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    Why are Swedish lakes turning brown?
    Lakes and streams are turning browner. In a new report to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, researchers at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute have summarized about a hundred Swedish studies investigating the mechanisms behind this phenomenon, and how it in turn affects the ability to assess the acidity in our lakes.
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    Cultivation of Japanese giant oysters in new innovation project
    Can Japanese giant oysters increase the profitability of Swedish mussel and oyster farms and contribute to sustainable aquaculture? Outside Lysekil on the west coast of Sweden an innovation project is underway in which IVL will test new methods for cultivating foreign species in the sea.
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    Hazardous substances must be phased out during recycling
    Increased recycling leverages a suite of environmental benefits, but may also mean a heightened risk of recycling hazardous substances in society. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the Swedish Waste Management Association have studied a range of chemicals in goods – including the freons used in building insulation, PVC softeners and household flame retardants – to determine where they end up in the waste management chain.