Kvällstrafik på en motorled i Stockholm

Towards fossil-free transport and sustainable mobility

The transport sector is still predominantly powered by fossil fuels, which not only result in carbon dioxide emissions but also nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particles, and other environmentally and health-damaging substances.

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute contribute to the transition through research and projects focused on effective policy instruments, new technologies, and behavioral change. Emission measurements, modeling, and policy evaluations form our core activities. We also place great emphasis on sustainable mobility—how urban planning and policy measures can enable sustainable travel and goods transportation. Let us support your efforts in transitioning towards sustainable transport.

Ongoing research on transport

Our services in the field of transport

The latest news in transport

Contact IVL:s experts

Porträtt av en man mot en vit bakgrund

Erik Fridell

Group Manager Transport and Mobility


Bild på Linda Styhre

Linda Styhre

Maritime transport


Porträtt på man i ljusa kläder

Anders Roth

Sustainable mobility


Porträtt av en man mot en vit bakgrund

Åke Sjödin

Emissions from transport
