Flexi-Sync (Flexible energy system integration using concept development, demonstration and replication) aims to optimize the flexibility in the district energy sector, a sector with untapped potential to balance the energy system.
The integration of more variable renewables in the energy system is creating challenges to balance energy production and demand.
By increasing the flexibility, the heat and electricity sectors can complement each other in order to facilitate a more efficient use of renewables and waste heat in the energy system. The Flexi-Sync project is an ERA-Net SES financed project focusing on flexible energy system integration using concept development, demonstration and replication. The project gathers 16 partners from four EU Member States: Austria, Germany, Spain and Sweden. Six demo sites in the countries will participate. See the final report Pdf, 4.7 MB.

Project objective:
The project objective is to identify how flexibility in district energy can be optimized and, thereby, contribute to the management of the existing mismatch between weather dependent, electricity production and variable demand.
Project period:
From 2019 to 2022.

The project will:
- Identify the flexibility potential of the district energy systems in the demo sites
- Estimate the cost efficient flexibility potential in the local or regional energy system of the demo sites
- Understand the adjustments needed to the cost efficient solutions to be climate resilient
- Implement the flexibility at the demo sites
- Understand the business implications from increased flexibility
This project has received funding in the framework of the joint programming initiative ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems’ focus initiative Integrated, Regional Energy Systems, with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 775970.

Funding agencies
The Flexi-Sync project is supported by the national funding agencies of the four participating countries.